Llandoger Trow, Bristol, England

The Llandoger Trow

The Llandoger Trow

The Llandoger Trow was reputedly named by a sailor who owned the pub, after Llandogo which built trows. The building was damaged in World War II, but fortunately remained in good condition and designated as a Grade II* listed building in 1959. The pub is said to have inspired Robert Louis Stevenson to write of the Admiral Benbow Inn in Treasure Island and Daniel Defoe supposedly met Alexander Selkirk there, his inspiration for Robinson Crusoe.


The pub is also supposedly haunted by around to 15 ghosts, if you are to accept what Most Haunted say when they filmed here in 2007.


One of the ghosts is that of a former occupant that walked with a limp. Fottsteps have been reported, as is the sound of one footstep followed by the other dragging on the floor.

Llandoger Row

Kings Street,


BS1 4ER.


In 2007, The Llandoger Trow was one of the three locations seen in the Pirate's Cove episode of Most Haunted Live!.


For further information, please visit:



For further information, please read The Haunted Pub Guide by Guy Lyon Playfair and Haunted Bristol by Sue Le' Queux.


Visitor Information

The Llandoger Trow is a historic public house on King Street, between Welsh Back and Queen Charlotte Street, near the old city centre docks of Bristol, England.

Pictured left is the Llandoger Trow courtesy of Eirian Evans.